Tap House Grille – May 2024

DP8 #243 took five months to achieve – a lengthier wait than we are used to. Florida had claimed four DP89ers from January through April, causing a lack of quorum – a new rule for us. An inability to schedule the eight of us for a May date in common found Lynda & Ross complementing the group while the Notars are wending their way back.

We last visited THG two years ago. And way back, 2011, found us at the same spot with a moniker of Cave Mountain Brewery.

The menu online differed from what was offered on a Wednesday evening. A whole page, of four, was not available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays – anything that had a Chinese, Japanese, Mexican or Korean sound – the interesting stuff.

So we settled for mostly standard fare pub grub. Coming to the table: fish & chips (3), arugula and goat cheese salad (2); crab cakes; vegetarian chili combined with empanada appetizer; and one more. Burgers and chicken combos comprised another half-dozen of the choices. A more interesting choices included: chicken parm, baby back ribs, steak, and sausage and perogis

Beer on tap was a draw at THG, a choice for three or four, and wine for a couple, and soda/water for a couple more.

Jeremy, our waiter, seemed new, perhaps a first night. He was hesitant, lots careful, but very attentive. We liked him for the effort. However, a more seasoned server might have handled a couple of our issues for us.

Ambiance was pub-comfortable. One entered the building from a left hand or right hand door, opening to eating space, with the best seats by the plate glass front windows overlooking the street, and in the middle is a dominating rectangular bar. The kitchen was visible at the rear of the room. Multiple TVs were playing and the background music was about 20 decibels too loud for the DP8 seniors!

Service, generally, and not Jeremy particularly, was abysmally irregular. The drink order needed three trips, about five minutes apart. More frustrating was food, with one placement of three dinner, followed five minutes later by two, five minutes later by two, and five more minutes for the last one – Chay’s. And the chicken side for Deb T’s salad was delivered after dishes were cleared. Jeremy was a deer in headlights, not knowing quite what to do. He did not have the sense to check in to ascertain our table’s needs. ‘Twas a good thing that dealing with the quality characters at hand somewhat compensated!

Those facing the road had a nice look of outside on a cool evening. We others had a look at the interior activity. We realized later that a sip-n-paint must have been occurring in the speakeasy half of the building. We tried to rationalize the slowness of service on this.

Bill per couple, including all, ranged from $60-$120 dollars, quite a spread, And two of the bills first had a charge of $36 for a glass of wine. It was corrected but it seemed to fit the evening’s pattern.

Finally, consensus might be lacking but this report writer thought THG even outdid Point Lookout and Bavarian Manor.

June beckons and the Notars will join us.

Topics for the evening: catch-up on winter news, even though we did keep mostly kept up through email and Facebook; Deb K’s progress after shoulder surgery; spring clean-up; lots of pine cones this years; lots of branches and sticks on the ground; a cool April and May, even if nice enough; Clem’s recovery and rehab after a horrific accident two months ago; flowers and gardens; Ken’s beard masking a lighter guy; the Ross and Lynda long-ish winter stay in Florida; Ross’ medical stuff; summer plans; Monteverd upcoming trip to Ireland-Scotland; and more.

            However, the keeper of the evening, somewhat circuitously, led to catheters, I think it started with a description of Clem’s situation but it took a wide turn, with Ken taking a starring role. describing…. excuse me, my keyboard won’t allow me to write what Ken can do with catheters. We emptied out (sorry for the bad pun) and headed homeward!