August 2008 – at the Monterverds
The cool nights of the
last week or so made it a not so great day to swim, but the
shimmering pool and surrounding grounds made a beautiful backdrop
to the annual DP8 “picnic”, this year held at the
Monteverds. A warm evening had us enjoying various wines (pinot
noirs, cabernets, pinot grigios, white zins) along with the
customary T & T and a couple of beers on the back deck under
the awning (I miss the trees, but I’m guessing there’s
the same amount of shade with an awning and no leaves to clean
The conversation revolved around the impending doom of some of us
returning to work, with those of us ‘full-timers’ not
giving much sympathy to same, Ken’s new crop of Concord
grapes and what to do with them, Kriss’ reunion, the latest
update on the Adams’ yard, Deb’s 49.5 birthday, and a
short contribution by Jen Monteverd about her recent trip to
Ireland. And then, of course, before most had even finished their
first round of drinks, ...…
Dinner found us in the formal dining room set with Kriss’
classic Longaberger dishes. We oohed and aahed over a
recent addition to the dry sink – a hand painted ceramic
bowl with sheep in a country setting (awesome!).
The Teators’ salads have now become almost legendary with
their seemingly always changing variety of fresh greens and
ingredients. Tonight’s version included dried cranberries,
fresh tomatoes and broccoli, along with a plethora of other
veggies. Speaking of Teators’ salad, they also brought a
fresh fruit salad that included fresh mangoes, melon, and a host
of other fresh fruits. The Adams’ contribution to dinner
included the veggies and starch – a cold green bean dish
with mushrooms and a pasta dish with tomatoes, chick peas and I
don’t know what else. I do know both were very tasty! There
was also fresh, hot rolls and bread. The highlight of the meal
was the main course – skewers of beef, chicken and shrimp
with a few veggies scattered in between. All were cooked to
perfection by Chef Ken and his assistants, Chay, Tim and Don. An
error by the butcher meant left over shrimp skewers for
everyone!!! Dinner was accompanied by more libations, including a
lovely pinot noir. Dinner also included a special treat of
getting to examine a souvenir from the Monte’s honeymoon in
Holland – a beautiful, hand painted crock filled with, well
we couldn’t figure out what it was filled with. Perhaps wine
or liqueur or liquor - in any event, a lovely memento just the
crock itself.
Dishes were cleared and the formal dining room became the
“players” room. The chips were distributed according to
where we left off when we last played poker in SC and the card
sharks were ready to go once more, with Deb T bowing out to the
family room to quilt and watch TV. An early sizeable win by Deb K
made things look like she was going to keep stacking up those
chips, but then Chay made a strong appearance, with Don coming up
a big winner toward the end of the round, only to be topped by
two humungous hands by Ken, who had earlier predicted that he was
going to “kick some ass”. All in all, fun for all even
if some of us didn’t fare as well as we might have
liked. A record was taken of where we all stood so we can
pick up there next time. Hopefully, it won’t be a
whole entire year before we play again…
Dessert was finally served, with an impatient Deb T trying to
beat us to the punch, but being unsuccessful at finding where
Kriss “hid” the desserts. A chocolate chip cake with
mini chips and grated chocolate, topped with thick chocolately
icing and banana cream pie, a banana based topped by custard
topped further by perky meringue rounded out the evening, with
even Tim partaking tonight for a change – well done!
The evening had cooled as we said our goodbyes on a clear, late
Summer night. Another evening to remember – good food and
good friends, what better combination could there be???