Mountain View Brasserie #15 – May 2020
COVID-19 Takeout #3
7.28 – 8, 7.5, 7.5, 7.5, 7.25, 7.25, 7.2, 6

DP8 World is good, again, with the return of the Monteverds! The sun was brighter, the food scored higher, our wit was funnier – we were just plumb pleased to reunite, socially distancing on the ample back deck and five acres of the Monteverd estate. And this week’s weather just might prove to be one of the best two or three of the year.

The take-out Mountain View Brasserie menu, somewhat abridged from the dine-in menu, offered the following choices this sun-drenched evening:

Sliced Roast Pork Tenderloin with Peach & Onion Marmalade for each
Biltmore Syrah
Maxwell House Instant (a favorite)

Sautéed Shrimp with Penne Pasta & Vodka Cream Sauce - Mark
Sautéed Sea Scallops with Spinach with Sherry Wine Vinaigrette - Joyce
Caesar salad
MacGregor Pinot Noir

Warm Hazelnut Crusted Goat Cheese with Market Greens - share
Sliced Roast Pork Tenderloin with Peach & Onion Marmalade - share
an Argentine Malbec, soda
white chocolate bread pudding with Bourbon sauce

Jumbo Shrimp with Spicy Cocktail Sauce - Chay
Caesar Salad – Chay
Wiener Schnitzel with Spaetzl – Deb
V&T, beer

It must be noted that portions, especially the pork selection, was gobs big, with nobody finishing a whole dinner, including the Teators who split one.

Quietly unannounced, dessert was delivered on Deb’s arms – Boston Cream Pie. As Deb explained: “Nothing special… The goal was to make a dessert to please both of our returning dp8-ers … Kriss is a big chocolate fan… Kenny not so much… homage to one of Kriss’ favorite donuts.”
‘Twas a worthy dessert, and a portion ample enough for 2-4 more servings at home. Thank you once again, Deb, for your generosity. This is one CV Take-out tradition we won’t forget!

Prices per couple averaged about $60, with three tabs below, and one above.

About two hours after start time, and a half-hour after the sun set beyond the tree-lined horizon, we DP8ers moseyed the few miles back home. Dinner date #210 was a memorable one.

Other notes:
            Of course, COVID-19 is past, present, and future. The Monteverds described how C19 affected their winter in Florida and the abridgement of activities for guests. And we northerners traded our stories, by now some of it almost semi-ancient history.
            The present, of course, was exemplified by our spreading far apart on the deck and enjoying take-out. On one hand, we bemoaned the change of social patterns, especially with children and family; on the other hand, the silver lining is the time to “stop and smell the roses” more than usual.
            And the future? We retired educators are relieved we do not have to face the coming year in school. And we travelers anticipate much uncertainty, with plans already canceled. Still, we all agreed that our place in life – age, retirement, dependable income, good health mostly – has put us in a better spot than so many other people. And we pray for good health (and good national leadership [Tim Adams says Amen – ha])

More notes: one adapts to takeout but fine dining food like MVB’s is not the same as being there; Deb K making sure Ken distanced himself; MVB supplying some of the best containers for take-out; the comfortable and dry day tempered the focused sun of later afternoon on the Monteverd deck; the Notars’ day trip to the Finger Lakes (furniture pick-up); take-out experiences (Teator favorite – Jake Moon); food pick-up time was different for one of the couples; the Monteverds finding a non-functioning refrigerator upon their return home, with everything inside to be thrown away; local appliance dealers; local service vs big box; pool openings (two); garden work & mulching; bicycling; childrens’ health and work; lawns needing attention; whereabouts of Tim & Judy, Ross & Lynda, Den & Barbara, Kerry & Julie – no wild stories about any of them, other than Lynda’s hip operation still going well; a hello and appreciative thank you from Barbara at MVB; garden planting choices; morning walks; running (we still have one in the group); road trips with few bathrooms available; options for next month if restaurants open; comfort levels around other people in CV times; and more that may have wafted in the ether of a day’s shadowy end.