(-Deb Karnes)
     This is the continuing (hopefully!) story of a group of friends who enjoy each other's company and, more importantly perhaps, relish food in most any form.  It started as an idea (by me, of course!) and was embraced by a group of hungry adults seeking new culinary adventures.  And so the story goes...
    The original idea was to experience a variety of eateries, one a month, if possible. The four couples include:
---Deb & Tom Karnes
---Deb & Don Teator
---Judy & Tim Adams
---Kriss & Ken Monteverd
    There's a teacher in each couple: three from Cairo-Durham and one from Hudson; one school worker, and three "real" world workers, who remind us of that fact regularly, especially when the five school workers affect an air of superiority!
    Big Change #1 - Tim & Judy move; DP8 fills group with substitutes (see below)

-- July 2006: retirement of the Hudson teacher
-- July 2009: "retirement" of the school worker
-- Spring 2010: half retirement of one "real worlder"; full-time by late 2011
-- July 2010: retirement of a Cairo-Durham teacher
-- June 2011: retirement another Cairo-Durham teacher
-- Jan 2013: another "real worlder"
-- (last CD teacher -- to be announced)
-- (last "real worlder" -- to be announced)
-- Aug 1, 2013 -- the Adamses move
-- June 2014 -- retirement of another C-D teacher, the last one
-- ? one to go

And with retirement, comes absences due to long-awaited vacations, with willing and able substitutes to round out the table. So, thank you:
--Joyce & Mark Notarnicola
--Julie & Kerry Quinn
--Julie Johnson & Dennis Mower
--Lynda Pisano & Ross Burhouse